Friday, 27 June 2014

A Wingless Bird- Poem by Pavithra Seshadri

A Wingless Bird!!

Reaching out to the evading now I sigh,
A wingless bird trying to fly;
Tears fill my eyes as I fail,
But! Alas! I am so frail,
Reaching out again and again,
My mind goes numb from pain;
All my efforts are in vain;
Is it wrong to seek the right?
Chase the darkness and spread the light?
Why is the world so unfair?
The weak and poor never find their share?
But, who am I to question the might?
After all! I just failed my first flight !
                                                 -Pavithra Seshadri

Nothing is perfect!!
Yet,imperfections are the essence of beauty!!

Picture courtesy: Google